Saturday Morning

Congregation Sinai’s main focus for Shabbat observance is on Saturday morning.  That is when we come together to pray, learn, eat, and catch up with one another (not necessarily in that order).  We pride ourselves on having a warm and friendly atmosphere that is welcoming to anyone who walks through our doors.

Weekly Shabbat services in the sanctuary are lay-led and egalitarian.  They begin at 9 am and typically end around noon.  Worshippers come at various times, most arriving by 10:30 am. Services are in Hebrew and involve lots of singing.  The style of the service is traditional, with a repetition of the amidah (silent prayer) and a full weekly Torah reading (Full Keriah).

The weekly Torah portion is chanted in Hebrew from the scroll by youth and adults.  Over the course of one year, we read the entire Torah.

There are two primary books that are used in our service, both of which are available at the entrance to the sanctuary.  Our prayerbook, Siddur Sim Shalom for Shabbat and Festivals, has a blue cover.  The Etz Chayim Chumash, containing the weekly Torah portion and Haftarah reading (from the Prophets) has a red cover.  For those who do not read Hebrew, copies are available of a fully transliterated prayer book, Siddur Eit Ratzon.

Rabbi Berkenwald, or an occasional guest speaker, delivers a sermon each week at approximately 10:45 am.  Past sermons can be read on Rabbi Berkenwald’s blog, with videos of more recent sermons now available as well.  Guest Divrei Torah are published when available.

Congregation Sinai’s sanctuary is incredibly kid-friendly.  Areas equipped with pillows, books, and games are located in the back of the room, where children can sit and read or play quietly.  Parents with rambunctious children or nursing infants can use the “Parents’ Room,” which is equipped with a one-way mirror for privacy.  Built-in speakers make it possible to continue to participate in the service.

In keeping with Jewish tradition, all males are asked to cover their heads throughout the synagogue on Shabbat.  Females who choose are encouraged to cover their heads as well.  Everyone who comes up to the bimah (dais) is asked to cover his/her head as a sign of respect for the Torah.  Jewish males and many Jewish women wear a tallit, prayer shawl.  Feel free to bring your own, or borrow one of ours from the tallit rack in the foyer outside the sanctuary.

Shabbat morning services are also accessible via Livestream.


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