Writing Your D’var Torah

Every B’nei Mitzvah student writes and delivers a D’var Torah (sermon) based on that week’s Torah portion. Students begin meeting with Rabbi Berkenwald approximately six weeks beforehand.

Here are some resources to help:

  • Before your 1st meeting with Rabbi Berkenwald, you must read your entire Parashah (not just your Torah reading). A Parashah is typically between three and five chapters long. It might help to study it with a parent, older sibling, or other adult. Congregation Sinai uses the Etz Chayim Chumash, which utilizes the Jewish Publication Society (JPS) translation. Every B’nei Mitzvah student receives their own copy at the B’nei Mitzvah Inauguration at the end of 6th grade. The JPS translation is available online via Sefaria. Click here to find your parashah. Please complete the following worksheet before you come to meet with Rabbi Berkenwald:

  • Before your 2nd meeting with Rabbi Berkenwald, you will write the first rough draft of your D’var Torah. Here is a rubric to help you organize your thoughts.