Kiddush Lunch

Being able to share a Shabbat meal together strengthens the bonds that connect Sinai’s members and guests to one another and helps to build our community.  Shabbat Kiddush is one of the most important ongoing events that take place in the life of the synagogue. 

Since ancient times, eating a meal has been understood to be an important opportunity to connect with community and God in a special way.  Deuteronomy states v'achalta, v'sava'ta uverachta.  "When you eat and are satisfied, then you will bless the Lord your God for the good that has been bestowed upon you."  We are fortunate to have a lot of goodness in our lives.

Most weeks of the year, we are blessed to have a sponsored Kiddush lunch.  Kiddush sponsorship is a wonderful way to honor a special birthday or anniversary, to commemorate a yahrzeit (anniversary of a loved one’s death), to express appreciation for a person or the community, or for any other reason.

There are several options for sponsoring a Kiddush:  you can prepare the food yourself; you can hire a caterer from the approved list; or you can sponsor it through the Sinai office.

For more information and to book a date, contact the Synagogue Administrator, Joelle Pluemer, at 408-264-8542.

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